Available courses
This covers both New Curriculum Intermediate and Old Curriculum Finalist COG OSCE Sets. This covers all courses that are framed to have OSCE.
Participants or Learners will be approved in the respective Course. The courses covered as follows:
- Internal Medicine
- Surgery
- Gynaecology and Obstetrics
- Paediatrics and Child Heath
- Mental Health and Clinical Psychiatry
- Systemic Pharmacology
PHCG 2615: Public Health
Subscribe Now Only at K372.5/Session was K450/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
MHP 2515: Clinical Psychiatry and Mental Health
Subscribe Now Only at K380/Session was K450/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
SURG 2310: Surgery
Subscribe Now Only at K380/Session was K450/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
OBG 2410: Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Subscribe Now Only at K300/Month was K450/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
PED 2210: Paediatrics & Child Health
Subscribe Now Only at K380/Session was K450/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
PGYG 2715: Systemic Pharmacology
About the Course
This course is designed to equip students with the basic knowledge, understanding, skills and competencies in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, dosages, indications, mode of action, contraindications and side effects of drugs.
Subscribe Now Only at K375/Session was K450/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
MEDG 2110: Internal Medicine
This Course consists of both Intermediate and Final Levels inclusive the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) and Objective Structured Practical Examinations (OSPE).
About the Course
This course is designed to introduce students to principles of history taking, performing physical examination and managing patients with acute and chronic medical conditions affecting different body systems.
The Course work is blended with Old Curriculum and New Curriculum for both Intermediate.
The course aims to consolidate clinical skills and ability for basic medical knowledge to elicit and interpret disease signs and symptoms
Equip the students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to competently manage patients with various medical conditions.
At the end of this course the student should be able to
- Take detailed medical history
- Perform physical examination
- Order and interpret investigations
- Demonstrate ability to diagnose common medical conditions
- Demonstrate capability to manage medical conditions appropriately.
- Demonstrate ability to refer conditions beyond their scope of practice
- Describe the different common medical conditions
- Explain the pathology of the common medical conditions
After this course the candidate should possess the following competences:
- Take and record a detailed medical history.
- Perform a full physical examination.
- Perform a mental-state examination.
- Provide feedback and enlist the patient’s participation in their care.
- Interpret findings from the history, physical & mental-state examination.
- Formulate a provisional diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
- Formulate a plan of investigation and demonstrate understanding of the processes
UNIT 1: Communicable Diseases
Bacterial infections
- Tuberculosis
- Leprosy
- Typhoid
- Cholera
- Tetanus
Viral infections
- Ebola
- COVID 19
- Measles
- Influenza
- Rabies
- Rubella
- Yellow fever
- Malaria
- Filariasis
- Trypanosomiasis
- Toxoplasmosis
UNIT 2: Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History taking & Physical examination
- Syphilis and neurosyphilis
- Gonorrhoea
- Chlamydia
- Acute epididymo-orchitis
- Chancroid
- Trichomoniasis
- Candidiasis
- Granuloma inguinale
- Lymphogranulomavenereum
- Condylomataaccuminata
- Herpes genitalis
- Syndromic case management
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History taking & physical examination
- Folliculitis
- Impetigo
- Pityriasisversicolor
- Tinea corporis
- Tinea cruris
- Tinea pedis
- Tinea capitis
- Tineaunguium
- Tineabarbae
- Candidisis
Common viral infection
- Warts (condylomaacuminata)
- Herpes Simplex
- Herpes Zoster
- Molluscum Contagious
- Scabies
- Pediculosis
- Vitiligo and Albinism
- Dermatitis
- Eczema
- Exfoliative
- Seborrhoic
- Contact
- Atopic Dermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Melanoma
- Squamous cell Carcinoma
- Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Drug eruptions
UNIT 4: Gastrointestinal System
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History taking & Physical examination
- Candidiasis
- Hairyluekoplakia
- Opthous ulcers
Stomach conditions
- Gastritis
- Peptic ulcers
Ileum conditions
- Dysentery
- Intestinal candidiasis
- Malabsorption syndrome
- Helminthic infestations
- Ileitis
Liver and Gallbladder conditions
- Viral hepatitis (hepatitis A, B & C)
- Liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension
- Cholecystitis
- Cholangitis
- Liver tumours(primary and secondary)
Pancreatic conditions
- Pancreatitis: acute and chronic
- Ulcerative colitis
- Diverticulitis
UNIT 5: Respiratory System
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History Anatomy & Physical examination
- Coryza
- Sinusitis
- Pharyngitis
- Tonsilitis
- Epiglotitis
Lower respiratory tract infections
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Lung Abscess
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Asthma
- Pneumoconiosis
- Pulmonary tumours
UNIT 6: Cardio Vascular System
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History taking & Physical examination
- Congestive cardiac failure and pulmonary oedema
- Ischaemic heart disease
- Angina
- Myocardial infarction
- Hypertension
- Rheumatic fever and Rheumatic Cardiac Disease
- Infective Cardiac Diseases
- Endocardits
- Myocarditis
- Pericarditis
- Cardiomyopathy
- Arrhythmias
UNIT 7: Genito-Urinary System
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History taking & Physical examination
- Renal failure: Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
- Glomerulonephritis,
- Nephritic Syndrome
- Nephrotic Syndrome
Ureter and Bladder Conditions
- Pyelonephritis
- Cystitis
- Urethritis
UNIT 8: Endocrine System
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History taking & Physical examination
- Cushing’s syndrome
- Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism
- Parathyroidism
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetis insipidius
- Applied Anatomy and Physiology
- History and physical examination
- Anaemia
- Leukaemia
- Lymphomas ( Hodgkin,Non-Hodgkin’s )
- Hypovitaminosis K
- Haemophilia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History taking & Physical examination
- Meningitis
- Encephalitis
- Epilepsy
- Cerebro -vascular accidents
- Motor neuron diseases
UNIT 11: Musculoskeletal System
- Applied Anatomy & Physiology
- History taking and Physical examination
- Reactive Arthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Gout
- Arthrosis
- Lumbago and sciatica
- Immunology and HIV Management
- Goals and General Principles of Combined Antiretroviral Therapy (cART)
- Antiretroviral information
- ARV Counselling and Education
- IV Prevention
- Patient Assessment
- Initiating ARV Therapy
- Adults
- Pregnant and Breast-feeding Women 12.3.3 Adolescents
- Children
- Co infection (Tuberculosis Hepatitis (B & C) 12.3.6 Monitoring of patients on cART
Management of Opportunistic Infections
- Guiding principles for the management of OIs
- Introduction to Opportunistic Infections
- Opportunistic infections caused by Bacteria
- Opportunistic infections caused by Parasites
- Opportunistic infections caused by fungi
- Opportunistic infections caused by viruses
- Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
- Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
- Cotrimoxazole Prophylaxis
- Malaria Prophylaxis
- Tuberculosis Prophylaxis (3 Is)
- HIV associated neoplasm (Lymphomas, Kaposi’s and Cervical Cancer)
- Syndromic Management of Opportunistic Infections and HIV-related conditions
- Infection prevention for Health Care Providers
- Record Keeping, monitoring and evaluation
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions, ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units.
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
When subscribing enter your country code,e g.260..........................
For more information whatsApp or Telegram us : +260 950 579 054
MEDG 3120: Internal Medicine
This Course consists of both Intermediate and Final Levels inclusive the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE).
About the Course
This course is designed to introduce students to principles of history taking, performing physical examination and managing patients with acute and chronic medical conditions affecting different body systems.
The Course work is blended with Old Curriculum and New Curriculum for both Intermediate and Final.
Now at ZMK200/Month ZMK350/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions, ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units.
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Session
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
PEDG 3220: Paediatrics and Child
Subscribe Now Only at K200/Month was K350/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
SURG 3320: Surgery
Subscribe Now Only at K200/Month was K350/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
MHP 3520: Mental Health and Psychiatry
Subscribe Now Only at K200/Month was K350/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
OBGY 3440: Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Subscribe Now Only at K200/Month was K350/Month
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
HSME 3615: Health Systems Management & Entrepreneurship
Course Code: HSME 325
About the Course
The course is designed to enable students to acquire competencies in the management of health facilities and human resource. It also prepares a student to work in a multidisciplinary team.
Subscribe Now Only at K200/Month was K350/Month
Course Rationale
The course will equip the students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant in the management of health systems in both private and public primary health facilities. Additionally, the course will provide the students with entrepreneurial skills applicable in their general medicine practice in Zambia and beyond. The students will further appreciate their administrative roles including resource management.
Course Aim
The aim of the course is to provide students with entrepreneurial acumen and skills in management and administration of health facilities.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Describe Management and entrepreneurship
- Explain management functions and their application in entrepreneurship.
- Identify the importance and functions of meetings
- Explain Team building
- Describe the main leadership approaches, functions, entrepreneurship and leadership styles
- Describe change management
- Describe health Management Information system in Zambia
- Demonstrate knowledge in HMIS and Smart Care Software for Health Management
On successful completion of this course, a student should be able to:
- Defines concept of leadership/management and entrepreneurship.
- Able to Create an enterprise
- Applies key management functions
- Able to Conduct meetings
- Works in a multidisciplinary environment
- Applies theories of motivation
- Performs leadership/supervision functions
- Initiate change
- Utilise HMIS and Smart Care Software for Health Management
UNIT 1: Management Skills
- Definition of management
- Management and leadership functions
- Planning
- Organising
- Commanding
- Coordinating
- Controlling
- Delegation
- Decision making
- Budgeting
- Communication
- Implementing
- Evaluation
- Supervision
- Motivation
- Advocacy
UNIT 2: Meetings in Relation to Health
- Managing meetings
- Types of meeting in health
- Benefits of meetings
- Functions of meetings
- Elements of effective meetings
- Chairpersons authority
- Common problems of meetings
UNIT 3: Team Management
- Definition
- Characteristics of a team/group
UNIT 4: Theories of Motivation
- Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
- Douglas McGregor Theory “X” Theory “Y”
UNIT 5: Theories of Management/Leadership, Its Application to Health
- Fredrick Taylor – Scientific Management
- Henry Fayol principles of management
UNIT 6: Leadership
- Definition
- Major theories
- Overview of Leadership approaches
- Conventional Traits and styles in leadership
UNIT 7: Resource Management
- Human
- Material
- Financial
- Time Management
UNIT 8: Change Management
- Definition
- Factors contributing to accepting change
- Resistance to change
UNIT 9: Performance Appraisal
- Definitions
- Types of appraisals Benefits of appraisals
- Tools used in appraising
- Application of performance appraisal to entrepreneurship.
- Self-employment, policy, HPCZ and legislature in private practice.
UNIT 10: Conflict Management
- Introduction
- Exploring organisation culture
- Types of organisation culture
- Evaluation concept of culture
UNIT 11: Discipline
- Definition
- Grievance procedure
- Disciplinary procedure`
- Disciplinary code and procedure for handling offenses
- Conduct at place of work and in the community, /compare with Ethics
UNIT 12: Health Management Information Systems
- Definition
- Types
- Zambian HMIS
- SmartCare
- Data and information
- Qualities/characteristics of data
- Levels of Management Information
UNIT 13: Entrepreneurial Concepts
- Principles and Concepts of Entrepreneurship
- Economic trends in Zambia
- Government policy on enterprise development
- Developing self-motivation
- Developing business opportunities and innovativeness
- Networking for enterprise development
- Effective business communication
- Managerial and leadership skills in an enterprise
- Management of finances
- Business records and basic accounting
- Enterprise and technology
- Business ethics and values in managing an enterprise
- Business Plan / project
- Starting your business
- Procedures for formalizing an enterprise
- Resource mobilization
- Productivity and management
- Weekly Live Lectures
- Pre-Recorded Lectures
- Demonstrations Group
- Discussion Role plays
- Skills Lab (HMIS and SmartCare)
- Quizzes
- Case Studies
The Package Includes
- Self-Challenge Quizzes with timely feedback on wrong or correct answers.
- Updated Question Bank Access that has a key with Crystal Clear Explanations arranged in units order.
- Problem Based Learning covering past papers questions,ward rounds concepts, rotational mini-clinical exams, OSCE/OSPE and Clinical Scenarios with crystal clear explanations and visio-audio aids in relation to HSME and Life Application.
- Summative Notes based on Units
- OSCE Tutorials with Clear Pictures plus Crystal Concepts in relation to HSME.
- Self- Based Assessments with indicators of progression
- Weekly Live Sessions
To Enroll click on Go to the Course and wait until you're enrolled.it just takes few minutes.
When subscribing enter the Country code e.g. 260............
For more information: Contact us on WhatsApp or Telegram: 0950579054- eMentor: KEMA E-REVISION CENTRE
MBIG 1301: Microbiology and Immunology
About the Course
This is tailored to the Clinical Officer General Diploma level.
Methods of Teaching
- Pre-recorded lectures
- Summarised Focused Lecture Notes
- Complete Module
- Quizzes based on the Unit with a timely feedback
- Weekly Live Lectures
- Prescribed Books
- Recommended Links for further information.
How to Pay
- Online Payment by Clicking on Go to the Course.
- You need to wait for few minutes you will be enrolled automatically.
- Our Online Payment is allowing Airtel and Zamtel,MTN soon will be introduced.
- The amount is displayed based on your payment plan
- Available payment plans:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Enroll yourself by Clicking on Go to Course Now!!
MEBC 1201: Medical Biochemistry
About the Course
This is tailored to the Clinical Officer General Diploma level.
Methods of Teaching
- Pre-recorded lectures
- Summarised Focused Lecture Notes
- Complete Module
- Quizzes based on the Unit with a timely feedback
- Weekly Live Lectures
- Prescribed Books
- Recommended Links for further information.
How to Pay
- Online Payment by Clicking on Go to the Course.
- You need to wait for few minutes you will be enrolled automatically.
- Our Online Payment is allowing Airtel and Zamtel,MTN soon will be introduced.
- The amount is displayed based on your payment plan
- Available payment plans:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Enroll yourself by Clicking on Go to Course Now!!
HANP 1101: Human Anatomy and Physiology
About the Course
This is tailored to the Clinical Officer General Diploma level.
Methods of Teaching
- Pre-recorded lectures
- Summarised Focused Lecture Notes
- Complete Module
- Quizzes based on the Unit with a timely feedback
- Weekly Live Lectures
- Prescribed Books
- Recommended Links for further information.
How to Pay
- Online Payment by Clicking on Go to the Course.
- You need to wait for few minutes you will be enrolled automatically.
- Our Online Payment is allowing Airtel and Zamtel,MTN soon will be introduced.
- The amount is displayed based on your payment plan
- Available payment plans:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Enroll yourself by Clicking on Go to Course Now!!
PATH 1302: Pathology
The course is designed to provide the students with knowledge and understanding of causes and effects of disease or injury. The course will also help the students to apply pathology to clinical medicine. Further, the course has part 2 for haematology that provides a specialty in diseases of the blood and blood components. These include blood and bone marrow cells. Haematological tests arising from a well-equipped student can help diagnose anaemia, haemophilia, blood-clotting disorders, and leukaemia plus many other diseases.
To introduce the students to basic pathology concepts, the causes and effects of disease and its application in clinical medicine. Furthermore to equip the student with knowledge and skills to diagnose haematological conditions and interpret results
The end of the course the student should be able to:
Part One
- Describe the cell and the tissues.
- Explain growth and growth disorders
- Explain homeostasis
- Explain the balance of water and electrolytes
- Demonstrate understanding of inflammation
- Explain haemostasis
- Explain coagulation
- Describe healing and repair
- Explain the genetic and chemical causes of disease.
- Describe the tumours
- Describe radiation induced injury
- Describe general consideration in systemic pathology.
- Describe haematology
- Describe the composition of blood
- Describe the functions of blood
- Outline the different classifications of haematological conditions
- Carry out basic haematological laboratory tests
After this course the candidate should possess the following competences:
Part One
- Defines pathology
- Defines the cell and the tissues.
- Demonstrates an understanding of cell function
- Demonstrates an understanding of growth and growth disorders
- Classifies tumours
- Explains homeostasis
- Applies knowledge of the balance of water and electrolytes
- Demonstrates understanding of inflammation
- Translates knowledge of inflammation to other contexts
- Applies knowledge of haemostasis
- Describes coagulation
- Applies knowledge of processes healing and repair
- Applies disease mechanisms to describe radiation induced injury.
- Demonstrates an understanding of General approaches of systemic pathogenesis of diseases
- Classifies and differentiates various haematological conditions
- Orders appropriate diagnostic tests
- Demonstrates understanding of the composition of blood
- Explains the functions of the various components of blood
- Complies with biomedical safety standards
- Performs basic tests in haematology
- Interprets various haematological laboratory results
Course Content
Part One
UNIT 1: Introduction to clinical pathology
- Concept of disease
- Course, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis
- Causes diseases
- Classification of causes of disease
- Genetic
- Tumours
- Chemical
- Radiation
- 1.4 Cell and Tissue
- 1.4.1 Cell-structure, Normal Growth, Epithelial, & Connective tissue
- 1.4.2 Three stages in the life of every cell
- 1.4.3 Cell death and aging
- 1.4.4 Impaired growth
- 1.4.5 Growth of organs (Hypertrophy, hyperplasia, Aplasia, Hypoplasia, Atrophy)
- 2.1 Maintenance of equilibrium in the body
- 2.2 Maintenance of circulation
- 2.3 Shock: causes, symptoms and treatment
- 2.4 Balance of water and electrolytes
- 2.4.1Osmotic pressure
- 2.5 Role of pituitary gland, kidney, adrenal gland e.g., development of oedema
- 2.6 Coagulation Cascade
- 2.6.1Thirteen coagulation factors
- 2.6.2 Balance of coagulation and Fibrinolysis, Haemorrhagic diathesis, Haemophilia,Thrombosis, Embolism
Unit 3: Inflammation, healing & repair
- 3.1 Acute and chronic
- 3.1.1 Causes
- 3.1.2 Pathogenesis
- 3.1.3 Outcome, treatment
- 3.2 Healing and repair
- 3.2.1 Basic events
- 3.2.2 Primary union, secondary union, healing of fractures i.e Scars, keloid 3.2.3 Factors that impair healing
- Unit 4: Haematology and lymphoreticular tissues
- 4.1 Introduction to Haematopoietic System and Disorders of Erythroid Series
- 4.2Disorders of Platelets, Bleeding Disorders and Basic Transfusion Medicine 4.3 Disorders of Leucocytes and Lymphoreticular Tissues
- Unit 5: Introduction to Systemic pathology
- 5.1 Overview of Systemic pathology
- Part Two
- 1.1 Blood composition and function
- 1.2 Haematopoesis
- 1.3 Anaemias
- 1.3.1 Causes of anaemia
- 1.3.2 Causes of anaemia in tropical countries
- Classification of anaemia
- 1.3.4 Iron deficiency
- 1.3.5 Haemolytic
- 1.3.6 Haemoglobinopathies
- Sickle cell
- Thalassemias
- 1.4 Aplastic anaemia
- 1.5 Anaemias of infections and chronic diseases
- 1.5.1 Infectious diseases
- 1.5.2 Non infectious diseases
- 1.6 Leukaemia
- 1.6.1 Acute leukemias and chronic leukaemia
- 1.6.2 Lymphoma
- 1.7 Haemostasis
- 1.8 Blood Transfusion
- 1.8.1 Blood grouping
- 1.8.2 Blood products
- 1.8.3 Safety of blood
- Pre-recorded lectures
- Pathological Procedures and Interpretation Tutorials.
- Summarised Focused Lecture Notes
- Complete Module
- Quizzes based on the Unit with a timely feedback
- Weekly Live Lectures
- Prescribed Books
- Recommended Links for further information.
How to Pay
- Online Payment by Clicking on Go to the Course.
- You need to wait for few minutes you will be enrolled automatically.
- Our Online Payment is allowing Airtel and Zamtel,MTN soon will be introduced.
- The amount is displayed based on your payment plan
- Available payment plans:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Enroll yourself by Clicking on Go to Course Now!!
HANP 1102: Human Anatomy and Physiology
About the Course
This is tailored to the Clinical Officer General Diploma level.
Methods of Teaching
- Pre-recorded lectures
- Summarised Focused Lecture Notes
- Complete Module
- Quizzes based on the Unit with a timely feedback
- Weekly Live Lectures
- Exam Prep Gear
- Prescribed Books
- Recommended Links for further information.
Our Feedback has Crystal Clear Explanations
How to Pay
- Online Payment by Clicking on Go to the Course.
- You need to wait for few minutes you will be enrolled automatically.
- Our Online Payment is allowing Airtel and Zamtel,MTN soon will be introduced.
- The amount is displayed based on your payment plan
- Available payment plans:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Enroll yourself by Clicking on Go to Course Now!!
BHM01: Bachelor of Herbal Medicine
Bachelor of Herbal Medicine is a 4 Year Programme,it will be open in January 2025.This is an Online for Course Work delivery and Practical will be done in Hospitals,Clinics,Laboratories,Pharmacies and Pharmaceuticals. Those with recognized Diploma in Natural Related and Health Related Programmes will be exempted based on the Credit Transfer. The graduates will be accredited by the HEA,ZQA,MoH,HPCZ, other Local Professional Bodies and International Professional Bodies.
About the Programme
Year 1
- Introduction to Herbal Medicine (HM 101)
- Botany and Plant Identification (HM 102)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (HM 103)
- Anatomy and Physiology (HM 104)
- Herbal Medicine Preparation and Dosage (HM 105)
Year 2
- Materia Medica I (HM 201)
- Herbal Medicine and Nutrition (HM 202)
- Pathophysiology and Disease Processes (HM 203)
- Herbal Medicine and Pharmacology Interactions (HM 204)
- Clinical Skills and Assessment (HM 205)
Year 3
- Materia Medica II (HM 301)
- Advanced Herbal Medicine Preparation and Dosage (HM 302)
- Herbal Medicine and Mental Health (HM 303)
- Herbal Medicine and Women's Health (HM 304)
- Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice (HM 305)
Year 4
- Clinical Practice and Case Management (HM 401)
- Advanced Clinical Skills and Assessment (HM 402)
- Business and Practice Management (HM 403)
- Ethics and Professionalism (HM 404)
- Final Project and Dissertation (HM 405)
- Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
- Homeopathy and Flower Essences
- Herbal Medicine and Cancer Care
- Herbal Medicine and Pediatric Health
- Herbal Medicine and Geriatric Health
Clinical Training
- Clinical internships and practicum
- Supervised clinical practice
- Case studies and presentations
- Written exams and quizzes
- Practical exams and assessments
- Case studies and presentations
- Research project and dissertation
ACC04: Advanced Certificate in Clinical Counselling
Applications and Registrations are Open for May/June 2024 Intake!!
How to Register
- Application Form Fee: K150
- Send all payments to 0950579054 ( Kennedy Lubundi)
- Go to Course,then Self Enroll
- When enrolled Check the Fees under Notice Board in the Course.
- Download the Fees Chart under the Fees
- Make payments then you will be registered.
Benefits of Training with KCHAS
- The Certification will be done with KEMA College of Health and Applied Sciences( KCHAS) and Zambia Counseling Council ( ZCC) .
- All the Modules are updated,uploaded on the portal, accompanied by pre-recorded lectures and Live Lectures.
- All the registered trainees get the clinical experience from the Hospitals,Clinics and NGOs,in order to provide Clinical Experience and Competencies in Clinical Counseling.
- The License will be processed for you by KCHAS.
- Your Practicing License will be issued by the Zambia Counseling Council ( ZCC).
- You're able to work as an Associate Clinical Counseling at the Hospital, Clinic,NGOs,Schools, College or University.
- You can provide consultancy within your scope of practice.
- You can open your own Counseling and rehabilitation Centre and operate within your scope of practice.
- This opens your career development to upgrade to Diploma in Clinical Counseling.
About the Course
This course provides advanced skills in General Clinical Counselling. It is an Hybrid Curriculum Based Training. KCHAS provides you this golden opportunity to get Clinical Counselling Skills at your comfort zone.
The Course has 10 Intensive Modules:
- Counselling Theory - 9 Hours
- Psychosocial Issues in Clinical Counselling - 7 Hours
- Health Psychology and Clinical Counselling - 9 Hours
- Developmental Psychology and Clinical Counselling - 6 Hours
- Clinical Counselling Practice - 83 Hours
- Clinical Counselling For Special Situations - 16 Hours
- Lifestyle Diseases and Clinical Counselling - 10 Hours
- Management and Care - 10 Hours
- Ethical Issues in Clinical Counselling.- 6 Hours
- Field Practicum -80 Hours
Training Model
- 4 Weeks Intensive Online Lectures/Presentations
- 8 Weeks Blended Problem Based Lectures with Supervised Field Clinical Practicum
- Assignments
- Case Study Scenarios
- Client Reports (Case Records, Verbatim Reports)
- Tests
- Examinations
- All graduates will be Licensed by Zambia Counselling Council (ZCC).
- E-Library is Accessible on the e-learning portal.
Entry Qualifications and Certification
- Minimum grade 12 education level (5 O Level)
- Minimum of 16 Years
- Good Communication Skills
- Ability to read and write the English Language
- A strong motivation to learn
- For abridged version to train ,depending on the level of their training and previous exposure qualify for modular exemptions in health psychology, developmental psychology and lifestyle diseases. For them it will be 3 Weeks Intensive Online and Blended 8 weeks Problem Based Learning with supervised field practicum.
Every prospective candidate stands an equal chance to be selected for training provided they meet the requirements of entry stipulated above.
Upon successful completion of the 12 Weeks (3 Months) Course, the Candidate will be Awarded an Advanced Certificate of Competence in Clinical Counselling that will be Jointly signed by KEMA College of Health and Applied Sciences (KCHAS) and the Zambia Counselling Council (ZCC). The College processes all Formal Registrations and Accreditation with the ZCC timely for all our candidates.
To Enroll Click on GO TO COURSE
For More Information Call us at : +260 950 579 054 or WhatsApp us using the same line.
PC03:Certificate in Psychosocial Counselling
This is a Blended Model of Training that is delivered at self demand ,all course work is done Online and students are attached to practical sites to enhance practical skills.
Duration: 8 Weeks
- 2 Weeks Theory Online.
- 6 Weeks Practical Skills in Hospitals and Clinics.
NCM 02: Clinical Methods for Healthcare
Registration is ongoing and the Course will start on 2nd April 2023.
Duration: 8 weeks Contact: 2 Hours/week
About the Course
This Course provides competencies in History Taking, Physical Examination and Formulation of Diagnosis to Middle Level Healthcare Providers especially in Naturopath Practice.
Course Content
- General History Taking
- Systemic History Taking
- General Physical Examination
- Systemic Physical Examination
- Common Investigations at a Naturopath Community Assistant Level.
Methods of Learning
- A Timetable will be available.
- Live Lectures: 2 Hours/Week.
- Pre-Recorded Lectures: 2 Hours/Week.
- Modules (which can be accessed even without bundles).
- Each Lecture has a Quiz.
- Each Module has an Assignment and a Test.
- At the end of 6 weeks: Theory Exam.
- At the end of 8 weeks: OSCE/Practical.
For successful participants will be given Certificate of Competence in Basics of Clinical Methods. For Soft Copy downloadable from the Portal its K200 and a hard copy its K400.
Tuitions Fee: K450 Only.
Enroll Now!!!!!
Remember to get the Knowledge, Clinical Skills and Attitude in Clinical Methods! This will grow confidence in you and your clients will have confidence in you as their Healthcare Provider.
For more information WhatsApp or Telegram us at +260 950 579 054.
NDS01: Naturopathic Management of Hypertension
Course Overview
Duration is 8 Weeks on Self -Demand Model Online
Hypertension is one of the leading causes of death globally each year, accounting for up to 30% of myocardial infarctions. Although the prevalence of hypertension is increasing, many patients are underdiagnosed and undertreated. The International Society of Hypertension (ISH) has published summary guidelines based on major international guidelines published between 2017 and 2020 on the control of hypertension.
Naturopathic approaches to treating hypertension focus on identification of the underlying cause and then the use of diet and lifestyle modifications, stress management, herbal supplements, and occasionally pharmaceutical medications to aid in its control. Naturopathic Practitioners discern the different individual characteristics of hypertension – sodium sensitivity, vascular relaxation, autonomic dysfunction, hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), and this guides therapeutic interventions. An herb or supplement may show promise in the literature, however that does not mean that it will work broadly for everyone; that is where the naturopathic principles and therapeutic knowledge of the practitioner comes in.
Course Outline
- Unit 1: Overview about Hypertension
- Unit 2: Clinical Approach to Hypertension in a Naturopathic Set Up.
- Unit 3: Approach to Diagnostics in Naturopathic Set Up.
- Unit 4: Approach to Naturopathic Management of Hypertension
- Unit 5: Management and Prevention of Complications of Hypertension.
Enroll Now
About COGLEx
This Course provides a Triad of Clinical Contextualized Mentorship for igniting third year students, new graduates and less experienced Clinicians attain levels of Clinical Based Knowledge (Hospital Practice), Clinical Practice Based Knowledge (Rational Procedures -a must know & do) and Professionalism (Ethics, Medico-Legal concerns in Clinical Practice).
It has Quizzes to assess in all the domains of objectives in Theory relevant for Licensure and Clinical Practice and Objective Structured Practical Examinations (OSPE)/Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE).
There are also Pre-Recorded Lectures that consolidates overall objective specifically for the Clinical Officers General (COG).
It is very important for all our members to know that we do not provide the actual questions bank BUT WE PROVIDE THE CORE CONCEPTS EVERY CLINICIAN NEEDS TO KNOW.
Join Our Telegram Channel: My COGLEx
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